Saturday, August 29, 2009

Essay 3: Prevent is better than cure

H1N1 pandemic flu has spread to some 160 countries and killed more than thousand people and needs to be watched carefully in case it mutates and becomes more severe in winter. The first suggestions are the government should prioritize who receives the H1N1 vaccine first based on the people most vulnerable to H1N1. Each country will have to decide who will be the recipients of the vaccine. Like South Africa’s Executive Director said the person who should be prioritized for vaccinations are include healthcare, pregnant women, people with obesity and those with respiratory problems.

Next, to prevent or minimize the chances of getting the swine flu and the regular flue is finding out more about the illness from reliable sources, learning how serious swine flu is, learn what can be done prevent it, discovering what symptom to watch for and when to seek additional treatment. Also you need to find some information about the history of swine.Influenza and swine flu or an infectious disease that can be transmitted from animals to human.

Like all the other countries are doing in preventing from getting the H1N1 flu, the people are suggested to follow these steps:
1. They should wash their hand after doing the works or touch the things. It is because hand washing is the single most important means of preventing the spread of infection.
2. Cover your cough, don’t touch your face and stay away from people who are sick or getting the flu. If you do get sick, stay home so it won’t pass it to anyone else.
3. Parents also have to play as a role model in preventing about the H1N1 flu. What should the parents telling their children about the swine flu?

What are the other country’s governments doing about the H1N1 flu? Like president Obama said to be calm but cautious. The steps the federal government is taking include urging people with symptoms to stay home from work or school. Then distributing antiviral treatment, the government requesting $1.5 billion from Congress to invest in additional antiviral emergency equipment and the development of a vaccine.

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